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Year C Easter 6

Jesus heals the paralytic

Easter 6

My peace I leave with you….

In this morning’s passage from the Gospel according to John we hear an extract from the long speech of farewell which Jesus makes to his disciples. In these last hours before he leaves them forever, Jesus reels off powerful words of hope, of exhortation and empowerment. Gone is the playful Jesus. The words spoken by Jesus now would mean the difference between spiritual life or death for his followers, both then and through the centuries. To help them remember them clearly Jesus spoke in short staccato sentences, with key phrases repeated several times.

What are they to remember in the dark and confusing times when Jesus has gone? They are to remember that the way to God is through obeying Jesus’ teaching on love. They are to remain faithful to that teaching. They are to remember that God will remain with them through the presence of the Holy Spirit, the Counsellor . They are promised the gift of peace. 

Opening Verse of Scripture Psalm 67

God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face to shine upon us, That your way may be known upon earth, your saving power among all nations.

Collect Prayer for the Day—Before we read we pray

God our redeemer, you have delivered us from the power of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of your Son: grant, that as by his death he has recalled us to life, so by his continual presence in us he may raise us to eternal joy; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord. CW

Risen Christ, by the lakeside you renewed your call to your disciples: help your Church to obey your command and draw the nations to the fire of your love, to the glory of God the Father.

First Bible Reading Acts 16 v 9 – 15 

During the night Paul had a vision: there stood a man of Macedonia pleading with him and saying, ‘Come over to Macedonia and help us.’ When he had seen the vision, we immediately tried to cross over to Macedonia, being convinced that God had called us to proclaim the good news to them.

We set sail from Troas and took a straight course to Samothrace, the following day to Neapolis, and from there to Philippi, which is a leading city of the district of Macedonia and a Roman colony. We remained in this city for some days. On the sabbath day we went outside the gate by the river, where we supposed there was a place of prayer; and we sat down and spoke to the women who had gathered there. A certain woman named Lydia, a worshipper of God, was listening to us; she was from the city of Thyatira and a dealer in purple cloth. The Lord opened her heart to listen eagerly to what was said by Paul. When she and her household were baptized, she urged us, saying, ‘If you have judged me to be faithful to the Lord, come and stay at my home.’ And she prevailed upon us. NRSV

Second Reading Revelation 21:10, 22- 22:5

In the spirit the angel carried me away to a great, high mountain and showed me the holy city Jerusalem coming down out of heaven from God.

I saw no temple in the city, for its temple is the Lord God the Almighty and the Lamb. And the city has no need of sun or moon to shine on it, for the glory of God is its light, and its lamp is the Lamb. The nations will walk by its light, and the kings of the earth will bring their glory into it. Its gates will never be shut by day – and there will be no night there. People will bring into it the glory and the honour of the nations. But nothing unclean will enter it, nor anyone who practises abomination or falsehood, but only those who are written in the Lamb’s book of life.

Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, bright as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb through the middle of the street of the city. On either side of the river is the tree of life with its twelve kinds of fruit, producing its fruit each month; and the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations. Nothing accursed will be found there any more. But the throne of God and of the Lamb will be in it, and his servants will worship him; they will see his face, and his name will be on their foreheads. And there will be no more night; they need no light of lamp or sun, for the Lord God will be their light, and they will reign for ever and ever. NRSV

Gospel Reading John 14:23-29 

Jesus said to his disciples: ‘Those who love me will keep my word, and my Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them. Whoever does not love me does not keep my words; and the word that you hear is not mine, but is from the Father who sent me.

‘I have said these things to you while I am still with you. But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything, and remind you of all that I have said to you. Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid. You heard me say to you, “I am going away, and I am coming to you.” If you loved me, you would rejoice that I am going to the Father, because the Father is greater than I. And now I have told you this before it occurs, so that when it does occur, you may believe.’ NRSV

Post Communion Prayer

God our Father, whose Son Jesus Christ gives the water of eternal life: may we thirst for you, the spring of life and source of goodness, through him who is alive and reigns, now and for ever. CW


As we approach the celebration of Jesus’ Ascension on Thursday 26th May the reading from the Gospel of John 14 presents a poetic, pastoral picture of Jesus reassuring his disciples that, although he will no longer be physically be with them, he is not leaving them without continuing support. That support will come through the power of the Holy Spirit working within them. A Spirit which will: teach all things; remind them of everything he has said to them. In addition he will leave them with his unique peace and urges them not to be troubled or afraid. How puzzled and afraid the disciples must have been. Not just puzzled about why, when and how Jesus was going to leave them. But also what this Holy Spirit might really be like? When would it come? How would it look? Would it really do what Jesus was promising?

The Book of Acts, almost certainly written by the author of Luke’s Gospel, is the remarkable answer to, and evidence of that Holy Spirit working in and through some of those same disciples together with the Apostle Paul and others. In todays passage from Acts Chapter 16 it clearly shows the Holy Spirit guiding Paul, through a dream, where to go and not to go to and who to and who not to interact with in order to spread the Good News of the Risen and Ascended Jesus. 

As we read the exciting events recorded by Luke who, by using the word ‘we’ in verse 11, appears to have joined Paul and others on this his second missionary journey we should bear in mind that Luke recounts the events which he considers important in the development of the early church. This is of course true of any eye witness account, both historically and currently. The Book of Acts is a selective story drawing attention to those people and movements that Luke believed to be especially significant. It was important to Luke to show the spread of Christianity from Jerusalem to Rome, including the highs and lows of such a ministry. We too can draw on the experience of these early highs and lows of Christian mission as we face both highs and lows in our mission within our contemporary experience of an often disbelieving world.

An interesting perspective of Luke’s record in Acts is that he often paints a favourable picture of the Roman authorities which ruled over all the places missionary journeys took them through and to. It would seem that, being a Roman citizen, initially enabled Paul to travel peacefully through the Roman Empire. In Acts 16: 9 -15 we read of Paul, with others, sailing to the Roman colony city of Philippi in what is now northern Greece. Here Luke describes how the apostles came to, unexpectedly, meet with a group of Gentile women ‘worshippers of God’ (v14) outside the city by a river. Being Gentiles the women would not been allowed to worship God inside a pagan city. The lead woman in this group was Lydia a successful business woman dealing in purple cloth. At that time purple dye was expensive so her customers would have been wealthy, so to be successful she would have needed to be persuasive. Having been impressed by Paul’s message she then used her powers of persuasion to ask Paul to baptise her household and invite the Apostles to stay at her house. The fact that Lydia had, a thriving business, a house and a household indicates she was either single or widowed. Whatever her status it seems that not only Paul impressed Lydia, but that she also impressed Paul because later, after he was arrested and imprisoned then released, he and Silas went to Lydia’s house presumably because he trusted her. Paul and Silas couldn’t stay with Lydia because leaving the city was a condition of their release (Acts 16:40).


Today’s short account of the conversion of a group of women to faith in Christ contains within it much more depth that at the first reading might not come across. The depth is revealed in Paul’s letter to the church in Philippi (Chapter 4:3):

‘Yes, and I ask you, my true companion, help these women since they have contended at my side in the cause of the gospel, along with Clement and the rest of my co-workers, whose names are in the book of life.’

It is likely that Lydia and the other women who met Paul in Philippi were some of those whom Paul is referring to, and were founder members of that early church. Wendy Waters



Honesty and integrity are highly prized. We’re often challenged to ‘keep our word’, to follow through on the things to which we have committed. In John’s gospel the command is not to ‘keep our word’ but to ’keep God’s word’. To obey God’s teaching as exemplified by Christ. To enable us to do this Jesus then promises the Holy Spirit, a divine indwelling through which we are re-created as people able to live and love as Jesus himself did. As God’s new creations we are imbued with an inner power, hope and confidence which enables us to live out that life which reflects the glory of God in the world and demonstrates His love and peace for all people. Jesus knows that to do so will involve stepping out in faith, speaking out when sometimes we’d prefer to keep quiet and say nothing. That’s why He also reminds the disciples that they have no need to fear, God will be with them, and as they live out their lives in obedience to Him, so they will know the peace that only God can bring. We do not know what turbulent times there may be in the future, both in this country and abroad, but we do know that Jesus has promised His Holy Spirit to His obedient people that they may know the peace that only He can bring.

'Love Separates the saints from the world' St Augustine 


  1. Come down O love divine
  2. Fear not, rejoice and be glad
  3. Breathe on me breath of God
  4. Meekness and majesty
  5. Christ triumphant, ever reigning
  6. O Worship the Lord
  7. I've got Joy
  8. Broken for me
  9. Blessed Assurance
  10. Fear not rejoice and be glad
  11. Beauty for brokenness
  12. And can it be
  13. I am a new creation
  14. Led like a lamb
  15. Meekness and majesty 

Prayers for Sunday and the week ahead

Lord Jesus, as God’s Spirit came down and rested upon you, may the same Spirit rest upon us, bestowing his sevenfold gifts. First grant us the gift of understanding, by which your precepts may enlighten our minds. Second grant us counsel, by which we may follow in your footsteps on the path of righteousness. Third, grant us courage, by which we may ward off the enemy’s attacks. Fourth, grant us knowledge, by which we can distinguish good from evil. Fifth grant us piety by which we may acquire compassionate hearts. Sixth, grant us fear, by which we may draw back from evil and submit to what is good. Seventh, grant us wisdom, that we may taste fully the life giving sweetness of your love. Amen (Bonaventura (1217-74) 

God, hold our brokenness gently in the shelter of your hand. Amen Take, Lord, and receive my liberty, my memory, my understanding, my entire will, everything I have and call my own. You gave me all this gifts and to you I return them. Dispose of them entirely according to your will. Give m only your love and your grace. (Ignatius of Loyola) 

God of glory, as you made yourself present in the person of Your Son, grant that we, through the presence of the Holy Spirit, may be your presence and glory in the world, that through you and obedience to your precepts all nations would know your lasting peace and hope. Amen

All shall be Amen and Alleluia. We shall rest and we shall see, we shall see and we shall know, we shall know and we shall love, we shall love and we shall praise. Behold our end which is no end. Amen St Augustine 

At Easter we rejoice in the salvation of the world. Christ is risen; let us arise in him! Christ enters new life; let us live in him! Christ has come forth from the tomb; Let us shake off the fetters of evil! The gates of hell are open, the powers of evil are overcome! In Christ a new creation is coming to birth, Alleluia! Lord make us new, Alleluia! Amen

Living God, you have given us an eternal and living hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead: grant that we, being risen with Him, may fix our hearts on heavenly things and share in your eternal life, worshipping you for ever at your throne in heaven. Amen

The God of peace, who brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the eternal covenant, make you perfect in every good work to do His will, working in you that which is well pleasing in His sight; and may the blessing of God almighty, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, be among you and remain with you always. Amen

Additional Resources

Commentary The Presence of God

In the reading from Acts we see that Luke now joins Paul in his travels (‘we got ready at once’) and together they start the expansion of the gospel mission to Europe by coming over to Macedonia. Paul’s normal practice was to visit a synagogue when he first arrived in a new location, where a quorum of ten men was required for prayer and worship. In Philippi Paul expects to find such a venue by the river but rather than finding a synagogue with ten men, he finds an informal gathering of gentile women in what appears to be an group meeting for prayer. One of the women who listened to Paul was a believer called Lydia, a dealer in purple cloths, a merchant, someone who is relatively wealthy and, for a woman, someone who is probably reasonably positioned in society. It would appear Lydia and the other women with her were worshippers of God, non Jews who had embraced something of the Jewish faith but had not converted fully to Judaism. These God Fearers, as they were known, were Gentiles who had adopted components of the Jewish faith, such as its code of morality, and in all probability attended synagogue services. They remained a gentile community and, in general, had no desire to submit in full to all the Jewish rituals and regulations, such as Sabbath observance and circumcision. Such practices remained largely unattractive to Gentile believers but because they restricted themselves to only specific points of the ceremonial law, they were not only regarded as a gentile community, they were seen as outsiders by the broader Jewish community. When Paul comes and speaks to the group of women its perhaps not surprising that his message of an invitation to a relationship with God through salvation in Christ, without the harsh constraints of the Jewish religion, falls on receptive ears. Lydia responds to Paul’s message and invited Paul and Luke to stay in her household. Whatever she may have believed and practiced before, she becomes a convert to the Christian religion. No longer would Lydia be on the outside looking in on her religion. The relationship she could now enjoy with God, her religion and her spirituality would be at the very core of her being. God Himself was a reality to her. The signs of religious observance had been transformed by the reality and presence of God in her life. Moreover, it’s clear that many of the communities and individuals known as God Fearers were to become a critical group in the development, growth and expansion of the early church. Lydia’s conversion was no one off experience many others with similar beliefs and backgrounds would convert to the Christian faith.

We need to be clear. This was not a case of Lydia being convinced by Paul’s slick rhetoric, as gifted a public speaker as he was. Whilst not being a great diplomat, Paul may have made a great politician and convincing argument was his stock in trade. But we are clearly told that it wasn’t that Lydia was convinced by Paul’s arguments, but that God opened Lydia’s heart to respond to what she was hearing from Paul. The Holy Spirit which Jesus speaks about in John was in action. Similarly we need not be concerned about our own powers of persuasion and debate when we are speaking to others about God, we simply need to be able to explain our faith in understandable and cogent terms and let the Holy Spirit open the hearts of those to whom we speak so that they too can respond in the same manner as Lydia and God can become a reality for them. 

The reading from Revelation speaks about a new heaven and a new earth, the city of Jerusalem coming down out of heaven from God. And it’s a Jerusalem without the Temple – a statement of huge significance. The Temple, and before that the tent of the Tabernacle, had for generations been the sign of God’s presence with His people. Now there is no need for a sign as God Almighty and the Lamb are there, the sign has given way and been replaced by the reality. The access to the tree of life, which had been denied from the fall onwards, has now been reinstated. Humanity will never again be remote from the reality of God. In John’s Gospel too, Jesus asks His followers to obey His teaching. To make God present for others as He has done for His followers whilst on earth. 

Sometimes with all the paraphernalia of our religions we can get caught up in the outward signs which represent God and the salvation that was brought by the death and resurrection of His Son Jesus. Many can get enchanted by the beguiling attraction of the signs and power of the Holy Spirit which enables us to live our daily lives. These outward signs and symbols can be very helpful and assist us in understanding who God is and what He has done for us. Help us understand the power and majesty of a saviour who is fully God yet fully human. Ultimately however, what really matters is the inward reality of God in our lives and the lives of others. How we experience God day by day as we seek to be transformed ourselves and through us allow God to transform the world as Lydia and many of the God Fearers around her came to understand.

Sam Cappleman

Commentary - The passage from John

Imagine that you are leaving your loved ones and will never see them again. No time for polite conversation, cut to the chase—words would take on new meaning, they would be focussed on the important things. So now the death of Jesus is immanent, and we can understand that the teaching which Jesus is giving to his disciples at this time is important. There would be no anxious relatives waiting to hear the will read out when Jesus died. There would be no decisions as to who would get what. Even his clothes would soon be the property of the soldiers who crucified him. The only things which Jesus had to leave were spiritual things. So this is Jesus' last will and testament. These are the words which he wants them to remember when he is no longer with them. 

So what is it that Jesus sharpens the dialogue about in our lesson today from John? 

Jesus uses his words to encourage and make promises, but they are not promises just for the disciples, they are spoken to ‘anyone’ who loves him—they are spoken to us!

He encourages the disciples to show their love for him through obedience to his teaching.

He promises that the Holy Spirit will be with them to teach them.

He promises them that although he has gone away, God will dwell with them.

He promises them peace. 

The importance of obedience. Our love for Jesus is not expressed in our singing, our poetry, our writing, our praise…….we could go on. Instead love for Jesus is demonstrated in the willingness to keep his word. It is when we do this that Jesus assures us of the love of himself and of the Father. The indwelling of Christ comes as we are faithful in deed, following the teaching which Jesus gave. Jesus calls us to be a faithful expression of himself, and the only way that we can accomplish that is through obedience to his word. Love for one another is at the heart of Jesus' words. 

"This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you" (15:12). 

It is as we love one another that we keep Jesus' words.

The presence of the Holy Spirit. In verse 16, Jesus introduces the word parakletos, which he uses to describe the Holy Spirit. The word is translated variously as Advocate, Comforter, Counselor, or Helper, and describes a Spirit who remains at our side forever (v. 16) to represent us, defend us, argue our case, give peace, or provide counsel as needed. However the Holy Spirit does not behave like a solicitor in court, arguing our case right or wrong, representing the client's case favourably rather than revealing the truth. Instead the Paraclete "is the Spirit of truth, revealing that which is hidden and exposing our weakness that we might become more obedient to Christ. Jesus has taught the disciples a great deal, but they will begin to understand much of it only after the resurrection. Then the Paraclete, the Holy Spirit, will take them to the next level, helping them to remember Christ's teachings and to interpret those teachings for the immediate situation. The Paraclete, the one who stands beside them day and night, will make all things clear. This is still an encouraging word today. The Paraclete, the Holy Spirit, stands beside us to guide us. If we follow, the Spirit leads us to truth. If we obey, the Spirit leads us to life. But the blessings are not automatic. We must listen; we must obey.

God dwells with us. Jesus says, "I will not leave you orphaned." The Greek word orphanous means fatherless. Jesus will be going back to the Father, but he will make provision for the disciples, current and future, through this gift of the Spirit. Jesus promises that he and the Father will make their home with us. The word for home is mone. In verse 2, Jesus said, "In my Father's house there are many monai, (dwelling places or rooms) a home for us in God’s house. Now in verse 23, Jesus promises that the Father and the Son will make their home with us where we are. 

So, Jesus promises that here on earth God dwells with us and after death we will dwell with him forever. This promise is to the whole church, the community of faith, rather than to individuals. All of the personal pronouns in these verses are second-person plural, not singular. This is an important insight for an age that glorifies the individual. We are tempted to celebrate individual spirituality and to downplay the role of the church, but the church is the body of Christ, the agency through which God has chosen to dispense blessings and to keep promises. We cannot honour the head (Christ) while despising the body (the church). As Cyprian said, "Who has not the Church for mother can no longer have God for father." His wording might be a little to sharp, but only a little.

Jesus promises peace. Jesus encourages the disciples not to mourn, but to rejoice that he was going to the Father. His mission on earth was finished and anyone who truly loves him will rejoice in his renewed glorification. Jesus had taken upon himself the form of a servant, now he would be glorified with the glory that he had in before the world existed" (17:5). Anyone who doubts the true divinity of Christ from Scripture needs to read these words. The ascension which we will remember next week was not abandonment of the disciples, but rather the enthronement of Jesus. For this reason his death was victory and with that victory over sin and death came ultimate peace. Jesus told the disciples not to be troubled or upset, he had authority to promise peace and that was his gift to them and to us. 

The full impact of Jesus' words would not hit the disciples until the things about which he spoke had taken place. Jesus was laying the foundation so that they would be able to believe once the events about which he is speaking begin to unfold. Charles Royden 

Commentary The Good News Hits Europe

Just as Cornelius was the first Gentile convert to Christianity (Acts 10) it would appear that Lydia, who lived in Thyatira, a centre for dyes and dyeing, was the first European convert. As we read these two accounts we can see that there are many parallels between the stories, not least of which is the outcome of baptism as a sign of conversion and introduction into a new way of life.

Lydia may not have even been her real name, it could just have been the name she traded under, like River Island, West Coast Fashions, Thyatira Home Stores or the Lady of Lydia. She is clearly a businesswoman of some means. She sells a luxury item (purple cloth) to the rich and famous of the region. She would know her clients and they would know her. She was also head of her household, and lived in a home large enough for her to offer it as a centre for Paul and his companions to use a as base for their work (Acts 16 v 40).

Paul obviously expected to find a place of prayer, a synagogue, just outside Philippi. This would require a quorum of 10 Jewish men. The fact that he started speaking to the women indicates that either the men either rejected or ignored what Paul had to say, or that they were not there at all and it was left to the women to uphold and sustain the spiritual life of the area. Lydia was one of these women, a Jew and a worshipper of God.

It's a strange, brief and powerful encounter. The fact of Lydia's conversion would have spread around the region quickly, especially around her customer base in the upper classes. Being Jewish was respectable, understandable and to a certain extent gave position and social standing (although sadly less so for women in those times). Being part of a new religious set called Christianity was a very different thing. You can almost hear other Jewish women saying to each other over the Thyratiran equivalent of afternoon tea, 'Poor Lydia, what has happened to her? How did she get caught up in all this? We really must try to gather round and help her.' and the Jewish men talking to each other in superior, knowing and condescending voices, agreeing with each other that women do these kind of things.

What they missed was that God had spoken through Paul and Lydia had responded. She was not concerned about what people said, the gossip that was started, the effect her conversion might have on her business. She did not demand a position of leadership, even though it was her house which was being used as a church, she did not try to keep her decision and commitment to herself, nor did she see any conflict between her faith and her vocation.

What she demonstrates to us is the power of keeping spiritual and temporal life together, not in separate compartments. Her faith was a faith for every hour of the day, every day of the week, not just a few hours on a Sabbath anymore. A faith that was as relevant to her daily life as ours is today. God spoke, she responded. Do we do the same?


Saving God, we pray for those, like Lydia, who witness to the gospel by word and deed amongst those whom they live and work. Spirit of God, give us wisdom, courage and love that we may be disciples of Christ. let the people praise you God. Amen

We pray for those involved in the industrial and commercial life of our nation. Remove barriers of mistrust, bitterness, prejudice which sometimes exist. Help us not to undermine and belittle others by speaking badly of them or criticising them in an unjust manner. Give to all a spirit of tolerance and understanding, and an earnest desire to seek after you, that all may work for the common good. Amen

Thank you, Father, for our homes and our families. Thank you for a place where we can feel safe.

Thank you for all the things we own which make our life comfortable. We ask that you will help those people who feel locked out from a place where they can feel safe and where they can live in comfort. May our country play its part in helping people who are outside the borders of safety and comfort which we take for granted.

Mother/Father, all-powerful and ever-living God, we praise and thank you through Christ Jesus for your presence and action in the world. In the midst of conflict and division, we know it is you who turn our minds to thoughts of peace. The Spirit changes our hearts: enemies begin to speak to one another, those who were estranged join hands in friendship, and nations seek the way of peace together. The Spirit is at work when understanding puts an end to strife, when hatred is quenched by mercy, and when vengeance gives way to forgiveness. For this we never cease to thank and praise you. Amen. 

God our redeemer, you have delivered us from the power of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of your Son: grant, that as by his death he has recalled us to life, so by his continual presence in us he may raise us to eternal joy; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. 

Grant to us, O Lord, the royalty of inward happiness, and the serenity which comes from living close to you. Daily renew in us the sense of joy and fill our lives with your light and grace. Let us be of good courage that we may meet the ills that overtake us with strength of heart and singleness of purpose; through the might of Christ our Lord. Amen Louisa H M Soulsby, 1856-1927


Lydia said, "If you consider me a believer in the Lord,...", how would the world respond to us if we asked the same question? 


The Pax Romana (Roman Peace) was brought about and sustained by brutal might. The Jews thought that the Messiah would bring peace by a more powerful sword. Instead the peace of Christ was brought about by the death of an innocent man, little surprise that it transcends all understanding (Phil 4:7)

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